Last night I was trying to draw a pig, but I ended up creating an adorable little monster thing with pig-like features.
iPhone users: I created a 320x480 version of this for use as an iPhone wallpaper (click to download).
I created a few versions of this guy from multiple angles doing different things. I created one of him standing, walking, and running.
Click the above image to enlarge
I drew three versions because I wanted to get more practice with proportion by trying to keep his features consistent even though his body is angled in different ways. A lot of the comic-cartoonish stuff I draw tends to always be from the same angle (usually straight-on).
So what do I intend to do with this little guy? I'm not sure yet. I'm considering starting a webcomic and incorporating him into it. My myspace comic was very successful and received thousands of visitors in the first few days it was up. A webcomic would be perfect for improving my Illustrator skills, too, because there's no deadline so I wouldn't be pressured to pump out designs quickly.
Another crazy idea I've been toying around with is to create a giant mural of various characters and other creations - perhaps 6 feet tall by 4 feet wide, and have it printed out and mounted on the wall of my home. Ideally I'd draw somewhere between 50-100 various creatures, items, and miniature landscapes and create a giant vector-collage. It'd be pretty time consuming though, so I'll have to think about it.
Any thoughts or ideas are always appreciated.
For my 26th birthday my Mom stitched this pig monster onto a pillow for my living room :)
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Gracias por tan magnífico regalo :D
And That Would Sell Well Good !
It Adorable :P
I So Would Buy That !
Great Drawing xx
that's very good picture, i like it.
Make it more...