Winter would be a terrible thing if it weren't for snowboarding and coffee. The snow in the pacific northwest hasn't been particularly great this year, so I've opted to drink more coffee. More coffee means more frantic mouse clicking, which in turn means more motivation to work on side projects. After one snowy, two sunny, and five rainy afternoons, I finished the winter version of the State of the Web:
This one took a lot longer than the summer version, mostly because I'm slow at Adobe Illustrator and there doesn't seem to be as much interesting stuff happening on the web right now as there was in June.
If you haven't seen it already, check out the Summer 2008 version of this:
Lastly, I finally took some time and created a page that has everything I've created on it. Most of my comics and microsites have been spread out across various domains, so I got them all together in one central location. You can view it here: Everything.
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